Stop Rinsing with Toxic Chemicals! Discover the Best Natural Mouthwash

Do you suffer from dry mouth, burning tongue or sensitive gums? You may be experiencing the side effects of the harsh chemicals found in traditional mouthwashes. Maybe you want to reduce your exposure to potentially cancer-causing chemicals. So the real question is: what is the best natural mouthwash?
Your Huntersville dentist, Dr. Merrill is committed to only providing services and products that he thinks are the best and would recommend to his family members as well. That’s why he chooses the dentist-formulated Oral Essentials brand of natural toothpaste and mouthwashes.
A Natural Alternative to Mouthwash
It is difficult to find oral hygiene products that are truly healthy for you without dyes, detergents, or preservatives. One of our long-time patients was a loyal user of Tom’s of Maine products, but since being purchased by Colgate, the brand is no longer chemistry-free.
The dentists who created Oral Essentials were frustrated that there were no mouthwashes available that used the time-honored and clinically proven power of a sea salt. Instead, mouthwashes contained many unnecessary chemicals with unknown side effects.
Oral Essentials uses naturally derived, non-GMO ingredients along with evidence-based elements proven to reduce cavities. The ingredients label of the original formula mouthwash contains the following:
- Xylitol — a natural sugar alternative that clinically reduces cavities
- Organic Aloe Vera Juice — contributes to the mild taste
- Dead Sea Salt — salt with the lowest concentration of sodium but with beneficial elements such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium
- French Essential Oils — a breath-freshening blend of basil, peppermint, spearmint, wintergreen, and clove that also makes your teeth feel smooth

The Benefits of Using a Natural Mouthwash
What are the top three benefits of using natural mouthwashes over your traditional brands:
- Avoid harmful chemicals — Are ingredients like chlorhexidine, hexetidine, methylparaben, benzalkonium chloride and other unpronounceable chemicals hiding in your traditional mouthwash? These toxic chemicals can cause high blood pressure, allergic reactions or cancer. (Don’t believe us? Read the studies at the end of this article.)
- Reduce staining — Your blue, green or brown mouthwash can actually stain your teeth that color!
- Eliminate alcohol — Most mouthwashes contain alcohol. This dries out your mouth and may cause burning of sensitive oral tissues. It may also increase the risk of oral cancer. (See the study for yourself.)
Definite advantages to switching to a healthy alternative. But are natural mouthwashes as effective?
Do Natural Mouthwashes Work?
Talk is cheap. What do real users of Oral Essentials have to say?
At NorthStar Dentistry for Adults, many of our patients can attest that this new product delivers on what it promises. One patient came back and purchased three more bottles to give to her family!
“I can’t believe how much better my mouth feels.” – NM, Actual Patient
What do the clinical studies indicate? Read the Oral Essentials Whitening Mouthwash 7 Day Study. You’ll be convinced that not only does Oral Essentials work, but also changing to a natural alternative will eliminate painful oral sores caused by alcohol-based mouthwashes.
Make the Healthy Switch Today
Save yourself the hassle of making your own natural mouthwash. Purchase the unique dentist formulated Oral Essentials products for only $15 for a tube of toothpaste and $20 for a bottle of mouthwash at your next hygiene appointment.
Call us at 803-525-0827 for more information about Oral Essentials or request an appointment conveniently online.
Learn more about Oral Essentials or read more about the toxic chemicals in most mouthwashes (chlorhexidine, methylparaben, benzalkonium chloride).